The LVTA is happy to help with general enquiries about the Association itself, or about any aspect of London cab history or London cab trade history. We will do our best to provide you with an answer, but if we cannot do this directly, we will try to find an appropriate individual or organisation who may be able to help.
We are very happy to help identify cabs from historic photographs to help family historians and others, and also to help with all general historical enquiries.
To LVTA members
If you are an LVTA member seeking technical advice or help to trace the ownership or history, to secure original registration numbers of any vehicles, please provide your membership number when sending your message.
Before you send us a message, why not log in to the Members' Area first, to see if the kid of information you need is already listed there? We have lists of suppliers and alternative parts for most types of cab and technical articles from back issues of Vintage Taxi. Take a look HERE
Please Note: We are unable to provide non-members with technical advice or help with tracing the ownership or history or to secure original registration numbers of any vehicles. We make this distinction out of fairness to our paid-up members.
General Enquiries
LVTA Archives
The LVTA has a considerable number of documents and images, almost all of which are post World War II and apart from a few videos and DVDs, are all paper-based.
It is the Association's aim to store all material electronically for easier access by members, but this, as can be imagined, is a huge job and will take. considerable amount of time to achieve.
The vast majority of the archives consists of
- London Taxi manufacturers' advertising material
- Workshop manuals and parts lists for most models
- Non-fiction and fiction books concerning taxis
- Copies of dealers' sales registers for Austin and Beardmore
- Films and DVDs on taxi-realted topics
- Extensive photographic collection
- LVTA newsletters and Vintage Taxi magazine and historic LVTA committee meeting minutes
- London taxi trade newspapers
We are always happy to receive donated items, so if you wish to donate anything, such as trade magazines, photographs, trade memorabilia etc, please contact our archivist.
To LVTA members
If you are an LVTA member seeking advice or help in order to trace the ownership or history, to secure original registration numbers of any vehicles, please provide your membership number when sending your message.
Please Note: As with the general enquiry line, the archivist is unable to provide non-members with technical advice or help with tracing the ownership or history or to secure original registration numbers of any vehicles. We make this distinction out of fairness to our paid-up members.