Having Difficulty Logging In?
To access the Members' Area you must be a fully paid up member of the London Vintage Taxi Association.
Our Members' Area is automatically linked to your account through Crossmember.
All members will have received an email inviting them to use the Members' Area on lvta.co.uk. This email will give you instructions on how to access the Member's Area.
It contains your username, which you will need to log in.
Please make a note in a secure place of both your User Name and, when you have set it, your Password. You will need both to log in to the Members' Area.
If you haven’t received this email, please check your spam folder. If you still can’t find the email or you are having problems logging in, contact us at webmaster@lvta.co.uk
If your subscription has lapsed, you will not be able to access this facility.
Also, do check your records to see if we have an email address for you that is functioning and is one you regularly use.
When you have entered you username, click the 'Lost Password?' button and set your password. Then, using your user name and new password, log in.
Please note that it is not possible to register for the Members' Area through this website if you are not a paid member of the LVTA. If you are not already a Member and would like to join please visit our Join Page for more information.
Once you have joined, you will receive an email, giving you details of how to register for the Members' Area.