London Taxi Fare Tables
Complete the restoration of your cab with the right fare table. Below each image is list of cabs for which that fare table is suitable.
Just click on the icon of the one you want and it will download. All you need to do then is print it out.
Our selection covers most popular models, though we are looking for 1930s, the 1950s and 1960s tables. If you have one or more you would be willing to lend us, please let us know.
Suitable for
- Austin High Lot/TT
- Austin Low Loader
- Austin FL
- Beardmore MkIV, MkV and Mk VI
- Morris-Commercial - all models
- Nuffield Oxford, Series I & II
- Austin FX3 up to 1953
Suitable for
- Austin FX3 built between 1954 and 1958
- Austin FX4 built between 1959 and 1964
- Beardmore VII built between 1955 and 1964
- Winchester Series 1
Suitable for
- Austin FX4 built between 1960 and 1969
- Beardmore VII built after 1959
- Winchester Series 2 and Series 3
Suitable for
- Austin FX4 built between 1966 and 1975
- Beardmore VII built after 1965
- Winchester Series 2, Series 3 and Series 4
Suitable for
- Austin FX4 1974 - 1982
- FX4, 1982/3
- FX4R, all years
- FX4S, all years
- FX4S-Plus
- Fairway, 1989 only
- Metrocab Series I, up to 1989
Suitable for
- Austin FX4 built up to 1982
- Carbodies FX4, 1982/3
- FX4R, all years
- FX4S, all years
- FX4S-Plus
- Fairway, 1989 to 1993
- Fairway Driver, 1993
- Metrocab Series I
Suitable for
- Austin FX4 built up to 1982
- Carbodies FX4, 1982/3
- FX4R, all years
- FX4S, all years
- FX4S-Plus
- Fairway, 1989 to 1993
- Fairway Driver, 1993-1994
- Metrocab Series I
- Asquith
Suitable for
- Austin FX4 built up to 1982 if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- Carbodies FX4, 1982/3 if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- FX4R, all years if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- FX4S, all years if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- FX4S-Plus if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- Fairway, 1989 to 1993
- Fairway Driver, 1993-1997
- Metrocab Series I, Series II, Series III, TTT (2000-2001 only)
- Asquith
Suitable for
- Austin FX4 built up to 1982 if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- Carbodies FX4, 1982/3 if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- FX4R, all years if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- FX4S, all years if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- FX4S-Plus if converted to wheelchair accessibility
- Fairway, 1989 to 1993
- Fairway Driver, 1993-1997
- Metrocab Series I, Series II, Series III, TTT (2000only)
- Asquith