North American Section Benefits

North American Section Membership


The London Vintage Taxi Association's North American Section, originally founded in 1972 as the American British Cab Society, has its own Secretary and provides general support for the challenging avocation of attempting to restore and maintain a low-production English vehicle on this side of the Atlantic.

Whilst periodic meetings, shows, autojumbles, etc. are utilized in the UK for the enhancement of the club experience, in the US our geographic density makes most such get-togethers unfeasible, although regional events are encouraged. Our bi-monthly magazine, ‘Vintage Taxi' and heavily-used email network, therefore, provide the backbone of the club's functioning. Member experts offer consultation on particular marques and models. See below for what the annual dues stipend brings you.


Our view of The Benefits of joining

  • Bi-monthly Magazine, ‘Vintage Taxi’ prepared in London and distributed from the USA to all American Section members, which includes a special 4-page feature, ‘American Section Notes’ in every issue.
  • Discounted subscriptions to ‘The British Marque’ magazine
  • Free Classified ads in ‘Vintage Taxi’ for wants or offerings of vehicles/parts
  • Linkage to other vintage taxi owners, here and abroad, who provide a networking base of knowledge and skills.
  • Dedicated technical experts in the USA and prompt connection to the UK experts
  • Information concerning sources of parts and vehicles
  • Membership list to help you find “neighbors” (sorted by state)
  • A fine assortment of members-only Club regalia items, including exclusive technical publications

Annual Dues £38.00, plus one-off joining fee of £5.00 payable to LVTA, due January 1 (£20.00 plus £5.00 joining fee after July 1)

For further information contact John Freeston (US Secretary and LVTA Vice Chairman):

Postal: 11 Woodland Road, Windham, New Hampshire, USA, 03087
Telephone: 603-401-0058